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Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Evaluation 4: Who would be the audience for your media product? Part 3

This section will show the interests, beliefs and values of our target audience.

- Interests: Our target audience will be a fan of music, presumably metal and rock, these are 'darker' types of music, they will like our soundtrack as it is suspenseful, scary music that adds tensions to the scenes. These link to gruesome films such as ours. As mentioned in the previous posts they will be socially active and will see friends, they may watch our film in a group at a party. With socialising they will like going to the cinema and will watch similar films to ours. We hope that our audience relate to the characters as this was one of our main goals when producing this film. We ensured our characters had similar interests to the target audience.
-Beliefs: We want our audience to relate to the characters and believe it is them in the film and in that situation; we have some first person perspectives within the film to aid this belief.
-Values: We want our film to be as engaging as possible, we have made this a likely possibility with the great soundtrack and complex, unusual camera angles with add unease and suspense. We put a lot of work into the opening sequence as this is the most important part of the film to get right, with the competition in the horror market, people may stop watching a film is they do not enjoy the opening scene, we have made sure our opening sequence is filled with suspence and engages the audience, we hope this reflects the rest of the production.

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