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Friday, 10 December 2010

Shot Types

 In our production, we plan to use many shot types, I'll mention a few of these and explain why they are effective.


The close-up is used to show emotion on the characters face, this is especially effective in a horror film as the emotion of the characters (usually the victims) is shown frequently.

Low angle shot:

We have a shot idea for this angle that we feel will be hugely effective in our production, it will be used as almost a POV shot from a characters perspective, looking up at someone, almost as if they are inferior to them. From watching other horror films we see this as a really good shot type which wee want to use in our film.

Extreme Close-Up:

The extreme close-up is a show which shows a face really close-up. It usually shows an eye, or a mouth, but most commonly an eye. Eyes portray many emotions, they dilate in fear, get tears when the character is sad etc. We are thinking about using an eye dilating in our film, however this is merely a contemplation.

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