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Monday, 21 March 2011

Story of the final production 12

At this stage we have finally finished recording the footage for the film; we can now begin editing the production, I first added some transitions and added the music to the scenes.

I added some special effects such as the black and white effects on Michaels hanging body. Since i have some previous video editing experience i used this as 'my time to shine' i feel with the footage we captured the editing was good.

However we did have some issues with the editing process with some of the effects.

The effect 'ghosting' was a prominent feature in our opening. However, when it came to exporting the production the ghosting made the film look amatuer due to technical difficulties, we have since replaced the effect with slo-mos. For example, when the two killers walk towards Rowen ghosting was used to make them seem paranormal, we then had to use slo-mo as there was no other effect which added to the tension of this scne.

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